Bringing Fluid Better

WELLPLUS+ GmbH will offer the following services to Oil Companies and ESP Suppliers.

•    ESP Design

Currently designs are created by the ESP Supplier’s Application Engineers. They select from their product line the best suited product; this selection may not be the best suited for the Client’s current application. 

WELLPLUS+ GmbH will create designs and product selection taking into consideration all ESP Supplier’s Product Lines, allowing the Client to select the best product for their well, rather than limiting them to one vendors product line.

•    ESP Optimization

Most ESP Suppliers responsibility ends after their product is installed and a short-term production test is completed. This leaves the Client guessing if their investment is operating properly or within the design specification. A unit operating out of design specification reduces the MTBF (mean time between failure) creating unnecessary costs that could have been avoid.

WELLPLUS+ GmbH offers periodic site visits to conduct unit optimization and production optimization services. During these visits we conduct full electrical, mechanical and performance test of the each required well. Offering the Client, a detailed report of the performance of their investment and projected workover expectancy.

•    Third Party Inspections

It is an industry standard that Clients obtain a third-party inspection of equipment manufactured prior to shipping to Client. 

WELLPLUS+ GmbH offers third-party inspection and certification services at all ESP Vendor facility around the world. 

•    Failure Analysis Inspections

When a Client is faced with a premature failure of a product (installation), they require a detailed Failure Analysis Inspection and Report as to the root cause of failure. These inspections and reports must come from third party inspectors, as often lead to warranty claims against the ESP Vendor.

WELLPLUS+ GmbH offers third-party inspection services. With over 20 years in the ESP industry, from field services to application engineering, from low producing high corrosive wells in Northern Canada, to offshore wells in the North Sea, to high producing wells in the ME Deserts, we have experienced every possible environment an ESP can be exposed to. We have to combined experience to give the best Failure Analysis Opinions to all our Clients. Our failure analysis results to-dated have been uncontested by ESP Vendors.

•    Field Services 

WELLPLUS+ GmbH offers complete field services for all ESP related activity. These services included installation of downhole equipment, extraction of downhole equipment, cable splicing, surface equipment installation and maintenance (including VFDs (variable frequency drives), SWBs (switchboards – direct online starters), transformers, well monitoring equipment. We supply the mentioned services for all ESP Vendor Product Lines. 

•    Inventory Management Services

WELLPLUS+ GmbH also offers a complete customized inventory management system for new orders, existing ESP equipment; new and used. Our professionals will travel to the Clients facilities; inspect, sort, and enter all existing ESP inventory into M.E.A.L. Base. This will allow for Clients to realize their existing stock of equipment before needlessly placing orders for new equipment. Our Application Engineers will review and utilize existing stock while completing designs. 

Extracted equipment will be inspected and labeled as usable, need of repair and cause of failure will be determined. This will allow for better understanding of each of the Vendors Products and overall quality, which helps determine reordering or omission from future consideration.

WellPlus GmbH

Cambridgestr. 1

69115 Heidelberg


Tel: +49 6221 4357493

Cell: +49 162 7739981 

Amtsgericht Mannheim

HRB 730657

VAT No. DE318521572


Heidelberger Volksbank

IBAN: DE21 6729 0000 0149 6488 95